They finished in last place in the survey carried out for internet travel agency, Expedia, by polling company TNS Infratest, which said that French holidaymakers don't speak local languages and are seen as impolite. Expedia Marketing Director Timothee de Roux told radio station France info, "It's mainly the fact that they speak little or no English when they're abroad, and they don't speak much of the local language."
"The French don't go abroad very much. We're lucky enough to have a country which is magnificant in terms of its landscape and culture," he said as he added that 90% of French people did their traveling at home. Timothee de Roux added more by saying, "So when they're on holiday they can be a bit stressed, they're not used to things, and this can lead them to be demanding in a way which could be seen as certain arrogance."
French tourists are also accused of spending less money. De Roux said the French, not accustomed to leaving large tips at home where a service charge is automatically levied on restraunt bills, can seem tight-fisted compared to other nationalities. Well me personally, I don't see what's so wrong to be a little cheap.
The Japanese ranked top in the Best Tourist survey, with the British and Germen judged best for Europeons. But French tourists recieved some consolation for their poor performance, finishing third after the Italians and British for dress sense while on Holiday. What I've learned from this story is that they'll make a survey about anything.
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