Two trains had crashed earlier on a Sunday morning in Disney World. The crash had killed one train's operator according to emergency officials. Disney said it was the first fatal crash in the monorail's 38th history in the park. The transit system that serves thousands of visitors around the resort was shut down while authorities investigated the wreck.
The operator died at the scene of the crash around 2 am according to Bo Jones, deputy chief for Ready Creek Fire Department. The other train operator was uninjured which was lucky but he was taken to a hospital because he was emotionally shaken and who wouldn't be? Bo says that five people were treated at the scene even though the Orange County Sheriff's office said six were treated.
Bo Jones has responded by saying, "To see the accident, to see the scene of what had happened and the fact that there was a life that was lost, it was very sad. It was very somber." Disney's senior spokesman Micheal Griffin identified the driver as 21-year-old Austin Wueenenburg. Micheal Griffin will not discuss how long Austin had been working with Disney or the circumstances of the crash as well not talk about how the Disney monorail operates.
Griffin responds the accident as something that is extremely rarely to happen at the park and that the safety of their guests is at the top of priorities above everything else. While the Orange County Sheriff's officials investigating the crash, Bo Jones is saying that is unclear on how the crash happens.
A spokeswoman for Stetson University in nearby DeLand confirmed that Austin Wueenenburg was a student at the school. A woman standing in front of Wueenenburg's home declined to comment on the incident because she wanted to give the family some private time to grieve which I have a huge amount of respect for.
Brandon Ross said that Austin had scheduled his classes around his Disney job and took precautions while working the night shift. Ross had included that Wueenenburg would make an hour-long drive from DeLand to Orlando the day before his shift so he wouldn't be tired when driving the monorail.
22 year-old Ross had added that Austin had seemed to be a pretty safe person and wasn't reckless at all. Austin Wueenenburg had studies computer science. Ross had used to ask him for help on school projects while saying he was smart and talented. According to Ross, he was very good with computers.
Jones said that the accident had happened at the park's ticket and transportation center. About a dozen gaurds wearing blue Disney security uniforms gaurded the monorail that Sunday morning and kept visitors from approaching. Micheal Griffin hasn't commented on the video posted on the on the Web site of Orlando TV station WKMG. The clip was shot by a guest at the park which was showing a man pounding on the door to the driver's compartment after the crash.
Griffin does add, "This is such a close-knit community. Our heart's go to Austin's family. It's a sad day here." 45-year-old Catherine McKenna and her family were visiting the theme park from Ireland. The family had planned to use the monorail for traveling the park last Friday but said they were told the train was broken. They took a ferry and returned to the monorail later that day.
McKenna says, "It's very sad. You would be very afraid to use it again." I couldn't agree with you more there. Disney's spokeswoman, Zoraya Suarez said that the park had boosted other types of transportations such as ferries, buses, and boats for visitors on Sunday. She also adds that the visitors are still getting around fine.
17-year-old Ethan Meus, visiting from Dubuque, Iowa said that he and his family took the monorail to a dinner at a resort hotel Saturday night. Ethan had watched the Magic Kingdom fireworks from the monorail at the way back to his hotel and said he didn't notice any problems with the train.
Meus also adds that it was a shock that the driver was killed. Lauren Shoebottom who was visiting the park from London says, "You would think it would be so safe. You don't expect it on holiday do you?" Griffin had issues a statement giving his condolences to Wueenenburg's family and saying the monorail was closed.
22-year-old Danielle Williams from London says, "It's a bit shocking. Disney seems so perfect." Well unfortunately it isn't. Accidents and tragedies happen everywhere and my heart does go out to Austin Wueenenburg's family. I can't imagine what they're going through. I know it's hard for them to lose a man who seemed to be great person who had more to look forward to in life. I do hope they can get past this extremely hard burden.
- Associated Press
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